Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Dirt, more dirt and the Bungles.

We decided to ditch our initial plan of staying at the newly developed Bungles caravan park (52kms from the Visitor information centre on the way to the Bungles) and I am glad we did.  $35 for an unpowered site, only portaloos and no shade.  We parked the van 400 metres from here in a free camp site, where we were joined by our new friends and we went onto have a big campfire, a few drinks and a warm night under the stars.   

The next morning we got all packed up and while the others put their van in storage (they were camping in the bungles) we nevously left our beautiful van in the free camp spot while we did our drive into the Bungles.  After 52kms of rough, dirt roads including 7 river crossings, we made it to the visitor information centre where we were told it was a further 26kms to Cathedral Gorge and little tiger striped domes they call the Bungles.  Charlotte and Mel were not enjoying the bumpy ride and Charlotte ended up sitting in the front so she didn't redecorate the inside of my car.  This was instantly forgotten when we arrived and saw the little domes and walked into Catheral Gorge.  I am pretty sure Qantas did an advert where all the kids were standing in here (we still call Australia home ads).  It was spectacular....I think it might be even better in the Wet season, not that you could access it by road.  We had a picnic there and did the Domes walk before we jumped back in the car (much to Charlotte and Mel's disgust) and went back on the bumpy road in the direction of our caravan.  2 hours later we were there and much to our delight, so was our caravan, still in one piece!!

By this stage Mel was in no mood to be staying in a dust bowl (even with all that lovely wood I collected last night and wanted to burn tonight) so we packed up and headed for our next desination - Fitzroy Crossing - which happened to be 400kms further down the road.

After a few tense moments on the road - and a very brief stop in Halls Creek for some chips for the kids dinner (parents of the year) we travelled through the darkness towards Fitzroy Crossing.  Mel was not amused when I suggested we camp at Wolfe Creek which was only 100km down the road.   We arrived in F.C. about 8pm where were threw the kids into bed, had a fantastic hot shower (and removed most of the red dirt) and enjoyed having electricity again!  A very long day, but worth the extra driving to get to somewhere we can spend a few consecutive nights - and get everything clean again...including ourselves.

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